Today in Parliament, Judith has demanded that the Government intervenes to save Queensbury Tunnel from attempts to destroy it.
During a debate on cycle and walking paths, Judith called on the Government to "step in so that this can be stopped”, as it is “just so directly at odds with the Government’s cycling and walking strategy.”
Michael Ellis MP, Minister of State for Transport, responded that he would be contacting Highways England, which falls under his personal remit, and writing to Judith on the issue.
Judith Cummins MP said: “It was promising to hear that the Minister would be reaching out to Highways England about the Queensbury Tunnel, and I look forward to receiving a full written response from him. The Government has talked a lot about promoting cycling and walking as much as possible, so they should be willing to get behind the proposed greenway.”
Judith has previously written to Chris Grayling MP, Secretary of State for Transport, calling on plans by Highways England to fill in the tunnel to be dropped.
Judith continues: “The tunnel should be the jewel in the crown of a new cycle and walk greenway to connect the great city of Bradford with Halifax. We should be taking advantage of our historical asserts to benefit all of us for years to come.”
The application to destroy the tunnel currently has almost 3500 written objections on the Bradford Council planning website.