Further talks that are set to take place between Unison and the Bradford NHS Trust, and Judith has welcomed this.
Following a letter Judith sent to the chairman of Bradford NHS Trust on 12th August, calling for the decision to offload hundreds of workers into a new company to be reversed, the Trust has finally confirmed they will postpone the move until 2020 so further talks can take place.
This has also seen the industrial action that was set to take place on the 26th August called off.
Judith Cummins MP comments: “This is a positive first step from the Trust, and it is only right they are looking again at such an important decision. I am glad they have postponed the decision that would remove NHS worker status from hundreds of their dedicated staff.”
Judith has opposed this proposal from the start, having raised it directly with the Secretary of State for Health earlier this year. The Bradford NHS Trust board is set to meet in September to discuss next steps.
Judith continues: “I urge the board to make the right decision and drop these plans once and for all. These workers are an invaluable part of our health service, and they help thousands of patients across the Bradford District."