As part of the debate on the Queen's Speech, Judith called for fair funding to be allocated to Bradford and the North, and condemned the failure of the Tory government to commit to doing so. During her speech, Judith asserted that “Northerners will not stand by and let this happen anymore.”
Over the last ten years, transport spending per person has been £739 in London, compared with only £305 in the North.
Under current spending plans London is set to receive almost three times as much spending than the North, and over seven times more than Yorkshire and the Humber, according to IPPR North.
Judith Cummins MP, comments: “We need a government that will invest in Northern infrastructure, properly fund our public services, and give us the tools to create a successful economy.”
Judith has long supported Northern Powerhouse Rail and backs the campaign to get a city centre station in Bradford.
Judith continues: “On Northern Powerhouse Rail, I must stress, once again, the vital importance of a city centre stop in Bradford. It would be a historic mistake to build an out of town station and it risks denying the full benefits of the new rail line to the people of Bradford.
“The government needs to make the funding available to bring this transformation project about, sooner rather than later. The people of the North have waited for too long for proper East-West rail connections and they should not be made to wait for another generation, for it to happen.”